Crime statistics 2023

Presentation of crime statistics 2023
Crime statistics 2023
On Wednesday (03.04.2024), the head of the police department, Senior Police Director Torsten Juds, and the deputy head of the Crime Directorate, First Chief Detective Inspector Christiane Schmitz (picture: top left with press spokesman Bernd Pentrop), presented the crime statistics for the Unna district police authority.

Summary in brief:


Overall crime slightly down

  • The total number of crimes in the Unna police area was reduced due to lower figures for bicycle theft and healthcare billing fraud.


Special crime areas

  • The number of crimes in the areas of burglaries, shoplifting and crimes involving the use of a knife rose sharply. There has been a significant increase in violent crimes committed by children, young people and adolescents.


Clearance rate

  • The clearance rate has remained almost the same compared to the previous year.


Police assessment

  • The authorities continue to focus on combating crimes against older people.
  • The approaches to combating juvenile delinquency will be further intensified.





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