Weapons and mold trace examinations

Weapons and mold trace examinations
Weapons and mold trace examinations
The State Office of Criminal Investigation examines and assesses weapons, ammunition parts, tools and other mold marks. This includes the question of whether seized ammunition parts have been fired from a particular firearm (so-called proof of firing).

Other areas of investigation include the legal assessment of weapons in relation to weapons law, the assessment of prohibited items, determining the causes of weapon defects with indications of danger and injury risks, determining trigger weights, energy measurements and firing direction regulations.

Examinations of tools and tool marks are carried out for the purpose of proof of identity. In other words, it is determined whether a specific trace was caused by a specific tool.

Tool traces from previously unsolved crimes are stored in a tool trace collection. By comparing these traces of crime, it is possible to identify connections between them. Suspected tools are compared with the traces in the tool trace collection.

Another area of responsibility is the examination of security devices, locks and keys for signs of tampering or rekeying as well as traces of copying. This also includes the assessment of electronic locking systems and immobilizers. Fitting pieces, so-called original mold marks, are examined for evidence of the original affiliation.


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