Authority management

REK Portrait Landrat Frank Rock
Authority management
Greeting from the head of the authority

Dear fellow citizens,

As the new head of the district police authority, I am delighted that you are visiting our website! Here you will find information about our departments, prevention services and contact information for your local police contacts.
The website is constantly being updated, so it's worth taking a look at it from time to time.

If you have any suggestions, requests or questions, please send an email to Poststelle.Rhein-Erft-Kreis [at] (Poststelle[dot]Rhein-Erft-Kreis[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) or give us a call.

But also show civil courage and inform the police if others need help or if you witness a crime or traffic accident. The internet is not suitable for this, but in these cases dial emergency number 110, professional help will be at your side quickly.

We are here for you!


Frank Rock
District Administrator of the Rhine-Erft district

Translated with (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110