Press and public relations

Press conference Symbolic image
Press and public relations
The press and public relations work of the North Rhine-Westphalian police makes an active contribution to an open flow of information. To ensure successful press and media work, the police have set up press and specialist public relations offices throughout the state.
Press and
Public relations
The aim of our communication is to make police actions transparent and understandable.
Social Media
We would like to offer you current and general information as well as insights into our day-to-day work on the social media pages of the NRW Police.
Here you will find the "Police Traffic Accident Statistics" with data on the number of accidents, people involved, casualties, causes of accidents and the severity of the consequences of accidents. You will also find the "Police Crime Statistics" (PKS) for NRW, which are compiled by the State Office...
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110