Road safety work

A police officer practices safe behavior in road traffic with children
Road safety work
The police in North Rhine-Westphalia make an indispensable contribution to internal security with their road safety work. Its primary goals are to reduce the number of road accidents and minimize the consequences of accidents.

Road safety work

The North Rhine-Westphalian police want to make the roads in North Rhine-Westphalia safer and further reduce the number of road users killed and injured on the roads. Sometimes this also means breaking new ground. With this in mind, the North Rhine-Westphalian police rely on a broad portfolio of options in their traffic accident prevention and road safety work.

In some areas, the police are the organizer and driving force. In other areas, such as in schools as part of cycling training or the "Crash Course NRW", it is a supporter.

On the right-hand side you will find the decree of the Ministry of the Interior and Municipal Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia on the road safety work of the police and the circular of the Ministry of Schools and Further Education on road safety education and mobility education in schools.

Traffic accident prevention

Traffic accident prevention (traffic education, traffic awareness and public relations work) is intended to help prevent traffic accidents.

It is primarily aimed at target groups with an increased risk of traffic accidents, e.g. children, young adults and senior citizens. Through road safety education and road safety awareness, the risks and personal responsibility in road traffic are made aware, positive behavior patterns are conveyed and cooperative behavior is highlighted as exemplary. This task is primarily carried out by specially trained road safety advisors. Officers from the district service and the patrol service are involved in providing advice, for example through educational talks.

The North Rhine-Westphalia police offer traffic accident prevention events for people of different age groups. Priority is given to particularly vulnerable target groups such as children, young adults, pedestrians, cyclists and senior citizens. Accompanying public relations work also informs a wide audience about the risks of road traffic accidents.

New challenges for road safety work

Language-reduced puppet shows and multilingual film projects for the safe road participation of immigrants

Due to the significant increase in the number of immigrants, it is particularly important to us to reach people with reduced language skills and different prior knowledge of road safety education through our prevention work. In order to ensure this, special projects have been created specifically for immigrants, such as language-reduced puppet shows for schoolchildren or multilingual film projects for cyclists.

In this context, immigrants do not form a new independent target group, but should rather be integrated into existing target groups (e.g. by age or type of traffic involvement). This represents a new challenge in the daily work of the police.

Various district police authorities in NRW therefore rely on helpers in daily traffic situations, train volunteer bicycle trainers or give traffic lessons in emergency shelters.
Cooperation with local authorities is also a key goal of the NRW police here: Zukunftsnetz Mobilität NRW

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110